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Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Stacie, and writing used to be one of my greatest joys. Writing was a daily devotion, however I slipped out of this routine as life became busier and my priorities shifted. 


It's been years since I really sat down to write. I've been spending my days lately reconnecting with who I am and who I want to be. In this process I stumbled upon the Writing HQ and their 30 Day Writing Advent Challenge for December. 


What better way to excite my mind and get the creative juices flowing then to join a challenge? 


Join me on this journey into the unknown, for the next 30 days I'll be sharing a daily piece from the writing challenge. All blog entries are my own original work and to prevent myself from falling down the self-depreciative rabbit hole I am not editing anything. What you see in these blog posts are the original draft, composed from the daily writing prompt. All rights reserved for each piece. 


There will likely be mistakes however this is about the journey, and the best journeys are a little messy. I don't know where I will take you, but if you're along for the ride I can assure you that it will at least be interesting!


Happy writing and reading,




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